June 10, 2013 - 213 new cadets were accepted in University of Cebu
Dormitory through the Norwegian Shipowners' Association - NSA Philippine Cadet
Program. In the welcome remarks delivered by Chief Engr. Godiardo Gabisan,
University of Cebu's Chairperson for the College of Marine Engineering, he sincerely extended his greetings to the parents of the new
cadets who lead their kids to this program that transformed many lives and
dreams into reality.
These cadets are official Batch 2017, 21st batch of scholars that NSA
Program has been supporting in University of Cebu since 1993. NSA Program
Manager, Mr. George Meljoe Frange in his inspirational message uplifted the
morale of the cadets as he stressed " thousands
of applicants from all over the Philippines wanted to be in your shoes but you
have proven your worth and you were chosen. This is a life changing moment for
you. You have chosen a noble profession,
but life as a cadet is not a bed of roses. You will undergo rigid trainings, you'll face challenges along the
way and you must find reasons to continue.., you are here for a certain
purpose, for a reason, and that reason must be clear in your mind. NSA will provide you support
and develop your potential. The only limitation will be yourself; so be the
best that you can"
After lunch break, all of them were faithfully accepted in the 5-storey
L-type dormitory building, inaugurated in August 13, 2008 for the NSA program.
Dormitories 1 and 2 can accommodate 700 students at a time; this will serve as the cadets' second home, a strong four-walled foundation to shelter and witness their journey to success.
2:00 PM, University of Cebu's new AVR was jam-packed with students and parents.
As the orientation begins, students were briefed of the expectations from them
by the university and NSA. They were
also oriented of dorm regulations, what
to do and what's not. Parents were also
reminded to guide and support their kids
to fully realize their dreams.
In a well applauded speech by the
University owner, Atty. Go reminded the scholars and their parents on how fortunate they are
that there's a scholarship program as good as the NSA Philippine Cadet Program.
To quote he says " Where can you find an organization who will send your kids to
school, provide their needs, give the
best education and training and hire them afterwards?" You are indeed lucky! The parents of those
maritime students that are not part of this program pay for the tuition fees of
their kids and provide their basic needs
despite the fact the they are merely looking on chances that their sons and
daughters will land a job after
graduation. And what kind of job? There's no assurance at all!
In NSA, these cadets are the
future captains of the Norwegian ships, future engine officers, their future is
secure. (Addressing the cadets ) You cadets, you do not have to worry about
anything, you only have to study and be good. I am telling you parents, you
will cry when you see your sons and daughters became captains..... you will cry
for joy! This opportunity is so wonderful!
Teary-eyed parents and thrilled student
applauded him, full of appreciation for his enlightening speech.
Finally Atty. Go shared his
enthusiasm to increase the percentage of
Filipino seafarers around the world to 50%. And with this passion, he commits
the University would be of continuous support to the NTC-M and NSA's common
goal to improve the quality of maritime training and education in the
This batch holds the record; having the most number of female cadets in UC, 12 Engine and 3 in Deck, total of 15 female taking up BS Marine Engineering under the NSA Philippines Cadet Program. The number is growing, showing 25% contribution to the total women population since the commencement of the program in 1993. The batch also reflects 27% increase vs. last year and 200% increase vs. the annual average number of female cadets in all batches combined. Maritime is not an exemption as more female
As we embrace changes and promote gender equality we cannot undermine the
women's capability to perform duties normally entrusted to men. In the near future, we expect to see more
female to swerve their careers to the maritime industry.
The Norwegian Shipowners Association
Scholarship program better known as NSA Philippine Cadet Program was
established in 1993 through the Norwegian Maritime Foundation of the
Philippines Inc. This aims to enhance
the quality of maritime education in the Philippines, create a pool of highly
competent Filipino seafarers who can
serve as future maritime officers in Norwegian owned and controlled fleets.
The advocacy has been serving the
Filipino community for 20 years now; scholars who have been qualified in the
program were able to enjoy one of the best available scholarship perks in the
country that offers BS Degree in Marine Transportation or Marine
Engineering in prestigious maritime university in the Philippines, free board
and lodging, opportunities to travel worldwide and an overall transformation
through the NSA's meaningful leadership and career development program.
The scholarship program is
open to all natural born Filipino citizen, 16 to 22 years old, single, physically and mentally
fit and no derogatory records. To be
qualified, interested applicants need to pass the written and oral APRO
For more info, you can visit or call +632 894-5389.
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